Unique & Colorful Makena Wedding ~ On September 17, 2013 ~
Originally we were to do the wedding at Makena Cove, but the ocean has taken most of the sand from the beach leaving the entry more challenging for a few people. Undeterred, the couple decided to move the wedding to Maluaka Beach so Shaundria’s mom could witness the nuptials. Afterwards we went back to Makena Cove and the bride and groom were SO HAPPY since it was where they really wanted their wedding to take place! We got some gorgeous images in both locations.
I absolutely love the colorful wedding bouquet that Della made for Shaundria. I have already post some images on my Facebook page and on Pinterest! Take a look if you wish!
They were in the moment enjoying the events of the day to the very fullest. Was a great experience for me just watching their joy! Congrats to one happy union!
Thanks go out to Dellables Floral Wedding Design for the gorgeous bouquet, to Jessica Waite for her beautiful makeup, to Eboni Prentice for her splendid hair & to Kara Byrne of Your Aloha Wedding Company, Inc. for her fine coordinating!
Enjoy the images. Tad Craig Photography